An Inclusive Store of Value

Atlas Performance

Holding Atlas ACT is advantageous, even for USD holders.

Performance Analysis of ACT reserve assets shows superior wealth preservation characteristics for ACT.

The Atlas Capital Token (ACT) is an inclusive store of value especially relevant for emerging markets in the Global South. Inflation and weakening reserve currencies in many of these markets leave the majority of citizens vulnerable to wealth erosion.

Atlas co-founder and Chief Economist, Dr. Nouriel Roubini, discusses innovative financial solutions complementing the US dollar for enhanced economic stability and resilience.

Eliminating erosion of value, around the world

The ACT is a digital store of value with the capacity to create stability through both price shocks and currency devaluation.

We have selected a subset of countries to serve as illustrative case studies to demonstrate how they would have benefited from holding the Atlas Capital Token in tandem with their local currencies.

ACT was developed to address these loss scenarios:

Here is how ACT could lessen the impact of financial volatility: